Monday, October 24, 2011

A good sort of day is the best sort of day.

Have I ever mentioned how much I love PA days (when I don't have to work myself!)? Cause I really, really do. I got to sleep in until 8:30 (Ave slept until 9:30!), relax with my kids, make some grub, work on costumes, laugh with the kidlets, work on our 52 Meals, 52 Countries, 52 Weeks planning, catch up on laundry and decorate for Halloween/Samhein. I find it so delightful that I genuinely like my children's personalities. If we weren't related I would still choose to have them as company. I love it.

Along the foodie theme of this blog, I forgot to mention that my parents drove to Winnipeg recently to spend some time with my beloved uncle who is not doing well health wise. Since they were going, they offered to bring us back anything we had cravings for since it's been two years since we've been there. Kyle chose Hys seasoning salt - with MSG! We can only get the no-msg stuff here, and he really loves to make BBQ potatoes with this goodness. Yum! Our children chose Robin's eggs, of course. Like Timbits, but so much better! Toasted coconut ones? OH YES.

Now you're probably waiting with bated breath to see what I chose, aren't you? Well, I actually told them I didn't want anything. I did briefly joke about banana cake from Jeanne's Bakery, but I certainly wasn't serious about it! Bringing a cake across Manitoba and Ontario is a difficult task. But when we went to visit them they pulled out a whole cake. I was shocked, to say the least. The whole family enjoyed this cake immensely (including my Dad who I left a piece for... Mum doesn't like Jeanne's cakes). Whyyyy we can't have one of the bakeries out here in Ontario is beyond me. I wish!

Behold the beauty of a banana Jeanne's cake! ♥ Moist, delicious cake like no other, light icing that's not overly sugary, rich chocolate shavings all over the outside and the best shortbread cookie on the bottom! Lovely. 100% lovely.

For dinner tonight I made a simple roasted red pepper pasta with a caesar salad. It was sweet and scrumptious. Mmmm. We even had dessert! I made something that was s'more like! It was a big hit, though a bit too sweet for me.

Roasted Red Pepper Pasta

bag of penne pasta
4 red bell peppers
2/3 cup blanched almonds, finely ground
4 tbsp olive oil
juice from half a lemon
3 cloves garlic
2 tsp balsamic vinegar
1/3 cup parmesan cheese, grated
salt and pepper to taste

Preheat oven to 350. Cut the peppers into quarters and de-vein. Place on a baking sheet, peel side up and cook for about 25 minutes. Transfer to a cooling rack. Once cooled, peel off the skin.

Cook the penne according to package directions.

Meanwhile, in a food processor, puree the red peppers, finely ground almonds, olive oil, lemon juice, garlic cloves, balsamic vinegar, parmesan cheese, salt and pepper. Blend until smooth.

Once the pasta is cooked, drain and put it back in the pot. Add the pasta sauce and toss until covered.



1 package pound cake, cut into 12 even slices
3 Jersey Milk chocolate bars
1 jar marshmallow creme

Take a slice of pound cake, add 4 squares of Jersey Milk chocolate to the top of it, followed by 2 tsp of marshmallow creme and another slice of pound cake. Continue until the pound cake is finished.

Heat an indoor grill and place the s'more sandwiches inside. Cook for a couple of minutes until the insides start coming out the sides. Be careful not to leave it too long or it will burn!

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