Sunday, April 24, 2011

My daughter, the artist.

I need to take a moment to show off the artwork Rhianna sketched today. This girl (at age 7!) is a better artist than I've ever been! My Uncle Don is a very talented artist (if you're in Winnipeg and you're ever at The Spotted Cow... the cartoons on the wall? My Uncle!), and I've always looked up to him for that. I remember when I was a little girl (and even a 20 year old girl), I would ask him to teach me and he would tell me that "everyone is capable of being a great artist, you just have to keep drawing". Unfortunately, this was never the case with me. I loved to draw. I doodled all the time, often on my school work (shhhh, don't tell my kids). But it was never very good. As much as I appreciated his confidence in me, I just didn't have that kind of talent. I'm okay with it now. Especially since I can see that the artistic gene that my Uncle has skipped my generation, but is firmly planted in my children. I love seeing how much joy Rhianna gets from creating art. She's artistic in so many ways. Drawing, painting, writing poems, writing books, singing, dancing. You name it, and she's probably good at it.

This afternoon she started sketching and the next thing I knew, there were 10 different drawings for me to admire.

Stroll in the Garden

The Cold Pirate

The Married Couple

Go To Bed!


The Stomach Ache


Cowboy School

Not Granny's Best

Biggest Carved Pumpkin

And the artist herself. :)

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